It all started in lockdown, we wanted to do plan something with my friends because we were in our homes and we talked about doing something cool when we will be able to go out. So it came up to go to Menorca with the bikes, because we have been there a lot of times but never with the bikes. So we searched a bit which options we had in the island and we found that there was a path, called Camí de Cavalls, that goes around the island. That was it, we had a plan.

We arrived at the city of Ciutadella with the Balearia Ferry on Friday at 7:00am. It was the best choice since you don't have to disassemble the bike, put it on a bag and then assemble it again. Moreover its free with the ferry ticket. We met Joan from 40 Nord Outdoor, the company that helped us to plan the whole adventure and that gave us support with the provisions, possible mechanical problems and logistics with bags and luggage.
The first stage, as we designed it, it goes through the south of the island, it is the longest one with 87km and about 900m of slope. We started at 9:30 am and the first km are very flat, with some rocky parts, but not difficult at all. The more km we do the more white sand and turquoise water beaches we see. The views of the trail that connects those beaches are amazing. It's a bit strange but very cool to see the island this time of the year, we are used to go in the summer when its very crowded, and we almost find nobody.
We had some flat tyres and even one cut tyre but nothing Andreu couldn't fix. Alvaro, one of the media guys, crashed and hit his shin with the pedal and we had to stop to heal the wound, we used the break to get a bit of rest and energy for the last part of the day. It was starting to get dark and cold and the terrain was getting more difficult, sometimes we had to get off the bike and push it.
Finally, we arrived at the hotel after at 20:30pm just in time to have a fast shower and go to dinner.
Before we start stage 2 we celebrated Alex's birthday, as you can see in our faces it was very early and he didn't expect the little surprise. The stage 2 it was the shortest and the easiest one with less than 50km and around 650m of slope. We woke up in Maó and we were sleeping in Fornells. This is the north part of the island where there are no more white sand and turquoise waters beach but there are more uphills and downhills, the trail is pretty fun and it has an amazing views as you can see in the pictures. The landscape it is getting rockier in every km until we leave the cost a little bit and we enter the more rural and country side of the Camí de Cavalls, we even saw some sheep and cows. It’s nice to see this crazy contrasts in the same island and in so few kms.
We had time so we took a little detour to see the Favàritx Lighthouse. The scenery seems more like a lunar area, there is no vegetation at all and its full of grey and dark rocks, the white and blue lighthouse stands out a lot.
Went back to Camí de Cavalls, and after 15km we arrived at the hotel, this time before the sunset, it was nice to have a bit of chill time before having dinner. We cleaned and check that everything on the bikes was fine and ready for the last and hardest stage.
The third stage was the hardest one, both physically and technically. It was around 60km and 850m of slope but that was not the problem. The problem was the trail, it was very steep in some places and the last part, even it was really flat the terrain was really technical, we had to pull out our trials skill to overcome all the challenges.
First km were a bit similar to the second day, beautiful beaches with red and orange tones and the trail going up and down. We arrived to Cala Pregonda, a very famous one for its look alike Mars with red rocks and sand its crystalline water, in summer season its usually crowded with tourists.
From Cala Pregonda to the end of the stage, it is the hardest and the most virgin part of the whole Camí de Cavalls. It is the rockiest terrain I have ever rode and in some sections the slope was unbelievable and in some parts we had to carry the bike and walk. At that moment we reached the highest point of the Camí de Cavalls route, 125 metres above the sea level, it doesn’t seem much, and I thought the same, but once there, it really is a milestone. There is even a section of the track that the locals call “Mordor”…
Cala Morell was the last point where we were supposed to refuel a bit and we found everything closed, so we had to arrive to Ciutadella with what we had. It was hard, because we were running out of water and the trail was really demanding.
Finally we arrived at Pont de'n Gil, where we met with the media guys, Alvaro and Aitor, before sunset to take some pictures in a crazy natural created bridge.

Finally, we can say we are finishers of the Camí de Cavalls 360!! I am so happy to keep sharing this adventures with my friends Andreu, Eloi and Alex and thumbs up to the media team, Alvaro and Aitor, for the great work they always do. In this adventures we always have fun and do cool things and I hope we can do it more and more often, let's hope this covid-19 situation goes away very soon… In the way back home, in the ferry, we talked about what would be cool to do next time and some interesting ideas 😌…